About contagio exchange

CONTAGIO EXCHANGE Contagio exchange was created to absorb malware samples shared by readers of Contagio. This is meant to be a community driven malware collection.
Edit Aug 2013 - The community is busy and Mila too so this was not a very active site (my fault probably) so I will be just dumping malware strings here - it often helps in malware identification and googling is the best way.
With just strings, not exactly a fun blog to read but might become s useful resource over time.
I will not be posting samples here, just md5. You can find the corresponding samples on contagio or ping me if you can't find
P.S. Robot pictures delivered by Robohash.com (generated from file hashes)

Monday, November 17, 2014

e783bdd20a976eaeaae1ff4624487420 strings Desktop.ini

File: Desktop.ini
MD5:  e783bdd20a976eaeaae1ff4624487420
Size: 63

Ascii Strings:

Unicode Strings: